Nobel Peace Prize Campaign for African Women

Athens, Greece, 28 and 29 June 2011


The Socialist International Women supports the ‘Nobel Peace Prize for African Women Campaign’, NOPPAW, and signs the petition to nominate African Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2011.

The campaign is promoted by CIPSI, an Italian NGO that coordinates 48 international solidarity-based associations, and by Chiama l’Africa, an Italian campaign for a pact of solidarity with African people. This campaign is meant to recognise and enhance the crucial role women play in Africa.

Africa stands on African women’s feet, millions of women carry the weight of their continent every day, taking on its tragedies and bearing its hopes. African women are the backbone of their continent and an authentic alternative for a new and more human society.

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize 2011 to African women as a whole – a collective Nobel Prize – will raise awareness of African women’s commitment to all aspects of life and will promote peaceful cooperation on the international stage.

