
West and Central Africa

Burkina Faso, MPP
Cameroon, SDF
Cape Verde, PAICV
Chad, UNDR
Dem. Rep. of Congo, UDPS, PALU
Djibouti, MRD
Equatorial Guinea, CPDS
Gabon, PGP
The Gambia, UDP
Ghana, NDC, CPP
Guinea, RPG
Guinea-Bissau, PAIGC
Kenya, LPK
Mauritania, RFD
Niger, PNDS
Sao Tomé and Príncipe, MLSTP-PSD
Senegal, PS
Somaliland, JWP
Togo, CDPA
Western Sahara, Polisario Front

Southern Africa

Angola, MPLA
Botswana, BDP
Lesotho, LCD
Mauritius, LP
Mozambique, Frelimo
Namibia, SWAPO
South Africa, ANC

Latin America – South

Argentina, UCR
Bolivia, UN
Brazil, PDT
Chile, PR, PPD, PS
Colombia, PLC
Ecuador, ID
Paraguay, PDP
Peru, PAP
Uruguay, NE
Venezuela, AD, UNT, VP

Latin America – North, Central and the Caribbean

Costa Rica, PLN
Dominican Republic, PRD
Guatemala, UNE
Haiti, Fusion SD, RSD
Jamaica, PNP
Mexico, PRI
Panama, PRD
Puerto Rico, PIP

Mediterranean – North and South

Algeria, FFS
Andorra, PS
France, PS
Italy, PSI
Morocco, USFP
Portugal, PS
San Marino, PSD
Spain, PSOE
Tunisia, FDTL

Mediterranean East, the Middle East and the Caucasus

Armenia, ARF
Azerbaijan, SDPA
Cyprus, EDEK, CTP, TDP
Georgia, SDD
Greece, Movement for Change
Iraq, PUK
Israel, LP, Meretz Party
Kazakhstan, OSDP
Kyrgyzstan, SDK
Lebanon, PSP
Palestine, FATAH, PNI, PPSF
Syria, PYD
Turkey, CHP, HDP
Yemen, YSP


India, INC
Japan, SDP
Mongolia, MPP
Nepal, NCP
Pakistan, PPP
Philippines, PDSP

Central and Eastern Europe

Bosnia & Herzegovina, SDP BiH
Bulgaria, PBSD, BSP
Croatia, SDP
Czech Republic, CSSD
Hungary, MSzP
Kosovo, Vetëvendosje
Montenegro, SDP, DPS
Republic of Moldova, PDM
Romania, PSD
Serbia, SDPS
Slovakia, SMER
Ukraine, SDPU

Northern and Western Europe

Belarus, Narodnaya Gramada
Belgium, PS
Finland, SDP
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, LP, SDLP
Ireland, LP
Lithuania, LSDP

Key – member parties initials: BOLD = full member; ITALICS = consultative member; UNDERLINED = observer member.