Civil Society Organisations

Luanda, Angola, 10 to 12 April 2014


We, the representatives of women’s organisations of the African civil society participating at the African meeting of the Socialist International Women (SIW) held in Angola, Luanda on 11 and 12 April 2014:

Recap on the major objectives of this meeting that are:

1 – The Millennium Development Goals: The Vision of the Socialist International Women for the Post-2015 Development Agenda;

2 – The launch of the international campaign on ending violence against women and girls by the Socialist International (SI) and SIW; Satisfied with the priorities set out in the SIW programme of its post 2015 vision in achieving the MDGs, namely: the fight against all forms of violence against women and girls, free education and training as well as eradication of extreme poverty;

Noting with great interest the importance of a campaign against violence against women in our continent and throughout the world;

Appreciating the objectives of SIW which correspond to those we seek through the activities of our various organisations on the African continent and converge towards the promotion of gender equality, women’s rights, social justice and peace;

We, representatives of African civil society:

Welcome the decision of SIW to open their work to civil society, a decision that gave the opportunity to the Organization of Angolan Women, OMA, of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, MPLA, to provide a memorable stay in this historic city of Luanda and we express our sincere thanks;

Welcome SIW for holding this important and rich meeting;

Are prepared to offer to SIW our multifaceted support, our thematic expertise in achieving our common goals;

Ask Ouafa Hajji, President of SIW and its Executive Committee to take the necessary measures of admission within SIW, with women’s organisations of civil society that share the same ideology and the same purposes as that of SIW so that together we can expand our framework, address the challenges we face and build a better world for everyone as socialists and social democrats.

Call other women’s organisations of civil society in other continents pursuing these objectives to make the same requests as that of SIW.

Prepared in Angola, Luanda, 12 April 2014.
